Saturday, October 6, 2007

Blog Introduction

The purpose of this blog assumes the role of a something similar to a journal. The subjucts vary; however, the epicenter remains true to the idea of a marrige between academic (rational, scientific) and mystic (irrational, intuitive, poetic) ideologies, philosophies, and cosmologies, that one encounters in all disciplines of life. The name, Screaming Amebas, is merely a strange phrase, imagining life, emotion, and intelligence embodied in one of the simplest forms of life.

Scripture offers many paradoxical expressions that present occasion for studying dialectical relationships. For example, the idea that one can obtain life through death of Jesus is not a phenomenon diretly observable through empircal evidence, yet requires trust or faith in nonempirical sources. After the initial "experience" of salvation one, becomes a disciple of The Way, which requires study and practice with the unseen factors of life, some psychological in nature. This study and practice often takes a form resembling the scientific. Systematic theology certainly embodies such a discipline. The "axioms" of theology stem from a type of trust in the validity of scripture, however, rational scientific attitudes build doctrines, through scriptural analysis. Thus, a marriage or balance of the thesis and antithesis takes a definable practice.

I imagine the dialectical subjects of irrational vs. rational concepts whirled in the minds of men since the birth of thought. The marriage of such terms could prove ultimately empty, especially placing them in rigid academic terms; nevertheless, one is reserved the right to leisurely explore intelligent activities. So, why not explore.


Sundance said...

It's about time.

Star Trek calls it paradoxal logic.

(and I think it's "amoebas")

..and blogs can become habit forming.

Nicolas said...

Thanks, sundance, but webster's lists your spelling as an alternate.

Anonymous said...

I love you! You are excellent at writing! Go gett'em! So amazing! Keep the words flying!