Sunday, November 30, 2008

Labyrinthian Lie

I am revisiting the Labyrinth, or the Labyrinth will not let go of me.

There exists, in my person, an affinity toward all that is little known. Satisfaction, on any level, ceases to resonate, save for this persistent seeking of truth, encapsulated in the obscure. Why? Is is rebellion? Is it a secret disgust for the group mind in general? Is it hate of lies? Maybe it is a neurotic need for a "running crisis"? I can only guess. The precision of self-analysis, at least for myself, is limited.

I covet the discipline needed to examine personal events, thoughts, and influences leading to my present mind bend. Maybe I should try? Practice, right?

I remember sometime around puberty, when my grandfather and my dad were talking about the illegality of the IRS. They were excited about reclaiming past taxes sent to the IRS, and possibly suing the organization for emotional damages, millions of dollars in compensation. The idea enchanted me. I told all my friends, but none believed; further, nothing happened, especially monetary compensation.

In the fall of '00, I was offered the "red pill". There was a meeting of the minds, members of an organization call Save a Patriot. I heard discussions about the "voluntary bondage" U.S. citizens who accept social security numbers, drivers license, and birth certificates. It was there that I was exposed to Dr. Horowitz, who forever changed my mind about commonly accepted "truth".

I've heard that one builds their world philosophy between the ages of 18 and 24. If that's the case I'm fucked, because it is during that time period of my life that everything, everything, that I believed to be true was found to be, at best, a half truth. I was confused, mainly, because i felt so overwhelmed with this new knowledge, that normal activities became meaningless--"vanity of vanities". I believed the only option was to "love Big Brother". The New World Order was eminent, why fight? How do I fight? "They" had covered all their bases; we were to far gone.

Then, there was "faith", the last bastion of "hope". If all the affairs of men, from air, water, food, medical, social, and political designs sought the demise and enslavement of humankind as a natural resource, what was left, faith? "The just shall live by faith", right? The situation must be otherworldly; there must be something beyond the empirical world that salvaged a "remnant" of mankind. Faith, what is it?, an English word, with a Latin etymology tied to a transliteration of trust? Trust in what?; something for which there is no proof. But, we fabricate proof, in the form of canonized scripture, and the belief that "God" preserves "His Word". What is the sum of scripture?--- the "chosen people" will rule the world. How convenient for them.

But,!!! is that it? Sheesh, i hope not. Work and buy, work and buy, work and buy,... meaningless! Enjoy the simple pleasantries of life, through the work of your hands,...crap! "Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Where is love? What does it look like?

We are told God is love, and that Jesus is God. Jesus said that if you love me you keep my commandments, ie., love God, and love your neighbor as your self.

Is the true God the God of scripture, I think yes, but for different reasons than what I was taught. In my opinion the term scripture encapsulates all that is; every human being, every word spoken, every facet of existence serves as a type of scripture, or revelation of God. The problem lies in the qualifications. Once a qualification denotes an aspect of God, it is no longer God , but a creation of man that is worshiped. Any form of religion is an antithesis to the true God. In my opinion, there are no exceptions.

So, Here is my labyrinth once again. So much information comes at once, after a seemingly barren period, that I now realize its a pattern, repeating toward an end---I hope. This time is the forth time since I was 18 that I am confronted with a multitude of sources of information, all at once, pointing to the idea that the very fabric of humanity's mental constructs are based on lies. The whole gamut of human activity is a mental prison much like the acclaimed "matrix".

In the Spring of this year, for some reason that I cannot explain, I was able to be pulled from this prison, for nearly three weeks, seeing the duplicity of all that is as booth "good" and "evil", simultaneously existing---almost as the same thing. The only criteria to determine which was which, and at what time, rested in the intention or motive of each individual. The "knowledge of good and evil" is an assumption of the heart of man, and an idea rooted in emptiness, nothing.


Sundance said...


I agree with most of it. While it can be overwhelming I try and keep an eye on the positive. Remember the good times and plan for more!

It's too cold to go camping but we need to figure something out.

Nicolas said...

oooh, we are alive...